09-08-2022 | 16:30

Currently, 46 thousand residents of Moscow region are served by social certificates, more than half of them are served by non–governmental organizations

Ensuring access to the social services market of private organizations and providing them with subsidies as part of the implementation of the state social order is one of the key measures of the Action Plan ("roadmap") to promote competition in Moscow region for 2022-2025 [1]. Furthermore, such a work is carried out within the framework of the agreement between the FAS Russia and Moscow region on the joint development of competition.

Now 46 thousand residents of Moscow region are served by social certificates, of which 25 thousand are served by non-governmental organizations. At the same time, such services are provided by 32 state and 8 non-state organizations.

As part of the implementation of the "roadmap" for non-profit organizations in Moscow region that provide social services at home, a new service was launched on the regional portal of public services. It allows these organizations to submit in their personal account an electronic application for inclusion in the state register of providers of social services and receive information about the results of the selection. It should be reminded that when a Moscow Regional company complies with the requirements of the Law on Social Order [2], the Ministry of Social Development of Moscow Region [3] enters into a financial security agreement with it. In accordance with it, a private organization receives a subsidy for the provision of social services.

The service allows you to make the process of obtaining a subsidy as convenient as possible, reduce the time for its provision, and ensure transparency in the provision of social services. It also increases competition among providers of social services, since private organizations, along with state institutions, can become recipients of subsidies for the execution of a social order. Citizens get the opportunity to choose service options from a larger number of organizations offering quality services.


[1] The "roadmap" was developed by the Committee on Competition Policy of Moscow Region in cooperation with the regional authorities and Regional Office of the FAS Russia in Moscow region in accordance with the National Plan on Development of Competition for 2021-2025

[2] Federal Law "On the State (Municipal) Social Order for the Provision of State (Municipal) Services in social sphere" of July 13, 2020 No. 189-FZ

[3] The Ministry of Social Development of Moscow Region is the authority implementing the introduction of the state social order for the provision of public services in the field of social services in accordance with the social certificate in Moscow region.

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