25-08-2022 | 17:00

Most of them were developed as part of the implementation of the National Competition Development Plan

In order to stabilize prices in socially important markets and saturate them with food products, the regions are implementing measures aimed at increasing the number of fairs, non-stationary trading facilities, places for trading products from personal subsidiary farms. For example, in the Republic of Khakassia, agricultural producers and processors are provided preferential places to trade at markets, fairs and non-stationary trading facilities.

In addition, farmers are provided with subsidies for reimbursement of costs associated with the production and processing of products, for the construction of livestock complexes, for reimbursement of part of the interest on investment loans, for payment of the initial lease payment under the financial lease contracts (leasing) and for other purposes. In particular, such measures are provided for in the Tula region.

Special attention is paid to measures to reduce the administrative burden on business. These include the actions of Moscow authorities to simplify procedures for organizing logistics of cargo movement and the procedure for redevelopment of non-residential premises in apartment buildings.

To support import substitution, specialized platforms have been created to help companies place their offers on marketplaces. These platforms allow businesses to find new sales markets, help with logistics and reorientation. Such projects are already being implemented in the Republic of Tatarstan and the Murmansk region.

The information on regional business support measures summarized by the FAS Russia, which based on the results of the analysis, was sent to the FAS Regional Offices. It will provide opportunities for the exchange of regional experience and the dissemination of successful practices.



In accordance with the National Competition Development Plan for 2021-2025,
at least 25 million people should be employed in the field of SMEs, including individual entrepreneurs, by 2025. In addition, one of its key activities is the increase in the number of non-stationary trading facilities and retail places. The work to achieve these goals is carried out by the FAS Russia within its powers jointly with regional authorities

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