02-09-2022 | 14:01

Over a year since the adoption of the document, FAS Russia has carried out significant work in different areas

In order to support small and medium-sized businesses, including within the framework of the National Plan, more than 700 support measures have been implemented this year. For example, in a number of regions entrepreneurs can receive subsidies for reimbursement of costs related to production and processing of products, construction, reimbursement of interest on investment loans, as well as assistance in paying the initial lease payment.

In many regions, specialized platforms have been created to stimulate import substitution, which help entrepreneurs place their offers on marketplaces. These platforms allow businesses to find new sales markets, provide assistance with logistics and reorientation of production.

In the market of medicines, work has been carried out to determine interchangeability for 63% of INN* with a planned indicator of 50%. The work is being carried out jointly with the Ministry of Health of Russia, and it will continue. It will contribute to the expansion of the list of available medicines for citizens and the development of competition in the market of medicines.

In the field of international cooperation, work has been organized to strengthen cooperation between the antimonopoly authorities of the BRICS countries and the BRICS International Competition Law and Policy Center. The Government of the Russian Federation has adopted an order for maintenance of activity of the Center in 2023-2025, which will expand its functionality and ensure the expert participation of partner countries in its work. It will contribute to improving the effectiveness of antimonopoly regulators of the countries of the association.

In addition, an action plan has been elaborated to develop cooperation between the antimonopoly authorities of the BRICS countries. It includes issues of protection of competition in socially significant markets, development of exchange trading and law enforcement.

One of the key objectives of the National Plan is to reduce the share of unitary enterprises. The activities of state unitary enterprises and municipal unitary enterprises are excluded in competitive markets where the development of entrepreneurship is possible. Due to this work, from 2019 to the present, the total number of unitary enterprises in the country has decreased by 34%.

Besides, FAS Russia has formed a unified procedure for bidding in the field of property sales. We are talking about the unification of the procedures for conducting "industry" auctions, which currently regulate more than 50 legal acts. FAS Russia has developed a draft law, which is currently under consideration by the Government of the Russian Federation. The introduction of a unified procedure for bidding in a single digital environment will significantly increase the level of competition at auctions and increase financial revenues to budgets of all levels.

The National Plan covers all regions of Russia. At the moment, roadmaps for competition development have been approved in each subject. The regional authorities, with the participation of the Regional Offices of FAS Russia, formed them taking into account the peculiarities of the economy of each region. The roadmaps include measures to create favorable conditions for private business, eliminate administrative barriers and improve the competitive environment.

The implementation of the provisions of the roadmaps will contribute to the economic growth of the regions and increase entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, FAS Russia considers this task a priority and provides assistance to the regional authorities in achieving the established indicators.


* International Nonproprietary Name (INN) is a unique name of the active substance of a medicinal product recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

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