07-09-2022 | 15:45

These methods include "alternative boiler" mechanism, long-term indices of citizens' charges and implementation of "polluter pays" principle

Realization of the economic potential of the Far East is impossible without modernization of municipal infrastructure.

FAS Russia believes that the existing mechanism of the "alternative boiler" can help to attract extra-budgetary investments in the renewal and development of heat supply systems in the Far East. It implies that the heat supply sector has been deregulating in price zones – all contractual relations are based on the price determined by the agreement of the parties. Only the price limit is established– the so-called price of an "alternative boiler", which cannot be exceeded.

Another way to modernize housing and communal services is to establish long-term indices of citizens' charges. It can be used in the implementation of a long-term concession or investment program. In this case, the head of the region appeals FAS Russia. FAS Russia analyzes all the data and provides its conclusion. The duration of long-term indices of citizens' charges is determined by the period of implementation of the concession or investment program.

Last year, FAS Russia agreed on the establishment of such indices in three subjects of the Russian Federation – the Tyumen and Moscow regions, the Republic of Tatarstan. They received additional funds in the amount of 21.5 billion RUB for the modernization of housing and communal services for the period of 2022-2024. At the same time, the targeted spending of funds is controlled at all levels.

In addition to the issue of increasing the economic efficiency of resource supply companies, the environmental agenda is now becoming more important. Increased wear and tear of the communal infrastructure can lead to environmental pollution.

Documents were adopted to implement the principle of "polluter pays" when using funds for the negative impact on water supply and sanitation facilities. Now they have a purpose – to restore the environment when it is polluted and to implement investment programs to improve the environment.

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