15-09-2022 | 15:28

Its provision will improve the quality of healthcare services

The Committee of Property Relations of Saint Petersburg addressed the Antimonopoly Service with applications on giving consent to the granting of the state preference of AO "Pharmacy 120/80" in order to protect the health of citizens. We are talking about the lease of premises owned by St. Petersburg.

The Authority found that the company carries out pharmaceutical activities. In this room, it plans to carry out, among other things, the sale of medicines, devices for rehabilitation, as well as electrical, diagnostic and therapeutic equipment used for medical purposes, which meets the stated goal of health protection.

In this regard, the FAS Russia approved the granting of preferences with a number of conditions: the targeted use of objects without transferring the rights to use property to other persons and limiting the duration of the preference for 1 year.

The Authority will monitor compliance with the requirements of the antimonopoly legislation when using the preference. When violations are detected, the FAS Russia issues a remedy to take appropriate measures*.



* In accordance with the Article 21 of the Law on Protection of Competition

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