03-10-2022 | 10:57

FAS Russia sent relevant requests to the major retail chains Voentorg, Sportmaster and HAKKI

In connection with the received appeals of the members of State Duma, as well as complaints from citizens regarding the unjustified increase in prices for army equipment and other military products, FAS Russia analyzes the validity of changes in the cost of these products.

For this purpose, the antimonopoly service sent requests to the Voentorg, Sportmaster and HAKKI retail chains with a request to provide the information necessary for such an analysis. Among the requested data is information on the dynamics of selling and purchasing prices for goods for August-September of this year with explanations to assess the validity of price increases.

If the analysis reveals signs of unfair behavior and the establishment of economically unreasonable prices by individual sellers, FAS Russia will immediately take antimonopoly response measures.

Besides, FAS Russia drew the attention of sellers to the need for strict compliance with the requirements of antimonopoly legislation when carrying out trading activities. In particular, the inadmissibility of unjustified price increases in a situation of possible increase in demand for goods.

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