03-11-2022 | 10:59

Maxim Shaskolsky answered questions from representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry about reducing the administrative burden, tariff regulation and digital markets

FAS Russia strives to reduce administrative burden on business and avoid unnecessary control measures. For example, the authority simplified the procedure for approving transactions of economic concentration, introduced a notification procedure for granting state and municipal preferences in certain cases, and also expanded antimonopoly immunities for small and medium-sized businesses.

Head of FAS Russia also spoke about the disclosure of information in the field of tariff regulation. Maxim Shaskolsky noted that FAS Russia is refining the current legislation taking into account the ensuring of tariff decisions transparency. Currently, all essential information on regulated companies is subject to disclosure. In addition, digitalization of the entire tariff regulation process from filing a tariff application to making a decision contributes to increasing transparency.

"Fifth antimonopoly package" is being finalized, which is aimed at regulating digital markets. The draft laws included in it provide for the prohibition of monopolistic activities by persons using software for concluding transactions, control over transactions of economic concentration with a price above 7 billion rubles, as well as introduction of circumstances aggravating administrative liability for cartel agreements – the using of digital algorithms.

Currently, the "fifth antimonopoly package" has been submitted to the State Duma and is being prepared for consideration in the first reading. Its adoption will increase the effectiveness of antimonopoly control, as well as protect the rights and interests of bona fide participants in the "digital" markets.

At the end of the meeting, Head of FAS Russia thanked the Chairmen of the Committees of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation for successful cooperation and invited to submit proposals to FAS Russia for review and elaboration.

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