07-12-2022 | 16:38

It was stated by the Head of FAS Russia at the III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Public Councils of FAS Russia

FAS Russia is attentive to the recommendations and initiatives of the Public Council, which often help the service to respond promptly to emerging problems. Maxim Shaskolsky thanked the members of the advisory body for an objective assessment of the fundamental departmental documents, as well as attention to the issues of marketplaces, antimonopoly compliance, amendments to the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation and tariff regulation.

The participants of the event also discussed the specifics of antimonopoly regulation and the key achievements of FAS Russia in 2022.

One of the most notable measures to support the economy adopted this year was the legalization of parallel imports. The list of freely imported goods includes both certain brands and entire categories necessary for industry and consumers.

This mechanism helps to reduce the level of power of the copyright holder, saturate the market with goods, reduce or restrain prices, create new jobs and additional opportunities for the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

Head of FAS Russia also noted that this year, with the active assistance of the Public Council, the authority and the largest Russian IT companies signed the Principles of Interaction of Participants in Digital Markets. This document is aimed at forming transparent and predictable relations between digital platforms and consumers of their services.

Besides, as part of the work to improve the efficiency of regulation of digital markets, FAS Russia has developed a fifth antimonopoly package. In particular, the document introduces a ban on the abuse of a dominant position by marketplaces and aggregators if they have a significant impact on adjacent markets and their revenue for the last calendar year exceeds 2 billion rubles. The Public Council actively participated in the work on this initiative and supported the draft law, and on November 10 of this year the document was adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the first reading.

During the conference, Maxim Shaskolsky noted that the work of the Public Council under FAS Russia and the councils under the regional bodies of the authority provides a direct dialogue between the regulator, business and the public. This format of interaction makes it possible to form compromise approaches and find a balance between state regulation and the freedom of entrepreneurship necessary for sustainable work.

Representatives of public councils and heads of Regional Offices of FAS Russia also spoke at the event. They raised issues of regulation of grocery retail, introduction of the mechanism of antimonopoly compliance, cooperation of the authority with educational institutions and improving the efficiency of interaction of regional offices of the service with public councils.

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