16-12-2022 | 15:35

It was announced by Vitaly Korolev, Deputy Head of FAS Russia, at the Forum "Russian Gas 2022 – Turn towards the East"

He summed up the results of large-scale work on social gasification. Since launching the Gasification Headquarters of FAS Russia on July 29, the work has been accelerated to reduce the number of contracts overdue by the GRO for the pre-gasification of citizens - from 97 thousand to 3,704 as of December 15, 2022.

Besides in 2022, it was decided to extend it on an indefinite basis. Deputy Head of FAS Russia encouraged citizens to take advantage of the opportunity and run a gas pipeline to their site on a free basis.

The social gasification program now extends to medical and educational organizations.

It concerns kindergartens, schools, polyclinics, hospitals, paramedic and obstetric stations, general practitioners' offices and outpatient clinics located in gasified settlements.

Such institutions will no longer have to pay for the construction of a gas pipeline to the borders of the land plots on which they are located, as well as for the connection of buildings to gas distribution networks (gas start-up and plug-in).

Vitaly Korolev spoke about the tariff campaign carried out by the authority. FAS Russia has revised tariffs in the gas industry for more than 350 regulated organizations – wholesale gas prices, tariffs for services for its transportation through gas distribution networks, fees for supply and marketing services.

The next change in gas tariffs will be made on July 1, 2024, that is, they will not increase for 1.5 years.

Deputy Head of FAS Russia noted that, in a similar way with the electric power industry, FAS Russia proposes to unify regulation and introduce criteria for gas distribution organizations.

The tariff will be available to organizations that carry out gas transportation and technical connection functions, and not selective construction activities, which ultimately affects the totals of gas supply.

FAS Russia will continue to work on the development of gas exchange trading in 2023. In particular, it is proposed to switch to the tariff model "entrance fee-exit fee" for gas transportation services via main gas pipelines. It will enable alignment of tariffs for gas transportation.

Besides, several macrozones will be identified, taking into account the presence of gas fields and extensive gas transportation infrastructure. Any gas will have the same price for its transportation.

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