23-12-2022 | 15:08

In 2023, FAS Russia plans to work out the initiatives proposed by the industry and prepare corresponding draft law

At the site of the authority, a meeting of the Expert Council on the Application of Legislation on Advertising and Protection against Unfair Competition under FAS Russia was held. Experts of the advertising and marketing industry, representatives of associations, members of the Expert Council presented proposals on the norms of the Law on Advertising that require updating.

In particular, proposals have been received to adjust certain rules concerning advertising of financial services, advertising of promotional events, alcoholic beverages, medicines, outdoor advertising, remote sale of goods, requirements for radio advertising.

Earlier, at the Sixth National Advertising Forum, Deputy Head of FAS Russia Ms. Karina Taukenova noted that since the adoption of the Law on Advertising in 2006, there have been significant changes in the industry. Against the background of the development of technology, digitalization, and the emergence of online commerce, some provisions of the law are outdated or need to be clarified and supplemented taking into account new challenges and realities.

Representatives of FAS Russia noted that the proposals approved earlier at the regulatory guillotine and the industry are already being worked on. This concerns amendments to the Law on Advertising in terms of clarifying that the information on the company's website and in search results does not relate to advertising. As well as push notifications are proposed to be recognized as advertising distributed over telecommunication networks.

In addition, it is planned to change the norm of Article 21 of the Law on Advertising in terms of the procedure for placing warnings about the dangers of alcohol consumption in radio programs. These are the proposals that have already been supported by the industry.

The speaker noted that the authority's work on updating the law will be useful for the industry and society, as well as contribute to the development of competition and ensuring the protection of citizens' rights when distributing advertising.

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