28-12-2022 | 13:29

It is worth noting that during the consideration of the case, the group of companies reduced the prices of aerated concrete blocks more than twice

As part of the work to verify the validity of setting prices for building materials, FAS Russia initiated a case against a group of persons Bonolit. It consists of LLC Elgad-ZSI, LLC Bonolit Kaluga, JSC Dmitrovsky plant of aerated concrete products, LLC ECO-Zoloprodukt Ryazan, JSC Bonolit - Construction Solutions, CJSC AeroBel. At the same time, the market of aerated concrete blocks is characterized by a stable composition of the main players and high entry barriers. The defendants occupy a dominant position with a share of more than 35% in the territory of the Central Federal District*.

It should be noted that the main consumers of aerated concrete blocks are the largest developers and contractors engaged in housing construction.

The Commission of FAS Russia found that the prices of aerated concrete blocks in the domestic market increased disproportionately to the costs of companies necessary for their production and sale.

According to the results of the case, a group of persons Bonolit was found guilty of establishing and maintaining a monopolistically high price ** for aerated concrete blocks from July 2021 to July 2022 inclusive.

Organizations will be issued an Order to perform actions aimed at ensuring competition. Based on the materials of antimonopoly cases, cases of administrative violations will also be initiated and turnover fines will be calculated for each company.


For reference:

* Central Federal District ranks first in the country in terms of construction work

** Paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Article 10 of the Law on Protection of Competition

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