29-12-2022 | 10:50

The "roadmap" for the development of exchange trading prepared by FAS Russia has been approved

The document was developed in order to implement the National Competition Development Plan for 2021-2025. Exchange trading has proven to be a source of fair market prices and a way of non-discriminatory access to goods, as well as an additional channel for implementation on digital platforms.

For example, since the beginning of 2022, the volume of stock trading in automobile gasoline amounted to 9.3 million tons, which is 31.8 thousand tons higher than last year (+ 0.3%) and diesel fuel amounted to 12.9 million tons, which is 1.9 million tons higher than last year (+17.9%).

According to the results of the work of FAS Russia, the volume of stock trading of motor gasoline and diesel fuel is about 25% and 26% of their volume of supplies to the domestic market, which makes it possible to provide affordable volumes to end consumers on competitive terms. Thus, every fourth liter sold at the gas station is purchased on the stock exchange.

In 2022, the volume of timber trading increased – 3.8 million cubic meters were sold, which is 29.7% more than in the same period in 2021. Price indicators were formed in 5 federal districts of the country.

The roadmap for the development of exchange trading provides for the expansion of the range of commodity products sold on the exchange, including chemical and petrochemical products.

It will create a market pricing system in the domestic market, form domestic indicators and reduce dependence on foreign suppliers of price information.

According to FAS Russia, the development of a system of national indicators will also be a positive moment for Russian investors, since the transparent pricing will allow better strategy and hedging.

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