23-03-2023 | 17:09

The results and plans were announced at the practical seminar

Vitaly Korolev, Deputy Head of the FAS Russia, noted that in 2022 the authority adopted and implemented support measures in the electric power industry, housing and communal services and gas supply in the current economic situation.

The authority also plans to change the legislation when setting tariffs for 2024. It is proposed to approve the consolidated forecast balance by October 1, 2023, to adopt maximum tariffs for electricity transmission services by November 1, and to approve tariffs to regional regulatory authorities by December 1.

The established tariffs will not entail their changes for consumers from this date, they will come into force only from July 1, 2024.

Vitaly Korolev said that in 2022, tariff regulation mechanisms attracted investments in heat supply of 139 billion rubles, water supply - 46 billion rubles, sanitation - 71 billion rubles, MSW - 20 billion rubles.

The activity of FAS Russia in the field of pre-gasification has allowed to reduce the number of overdue contracts by 21 times since July 2022. In addition, 782,732 pre-gasification contracts were concluded, 527,261 were executed to the boundaries of the plots (67 % of the contracts concluded), 260 660 connections were made (33 %).

As prospective areas for development of tariff regulation, Deputy Head of FAS Russia highlighted the creation of incentives for investment growth, standardization and long-term of tariffs.

Sergey Puzyrevsky, State Secretary - Deputy Head of FAS Russia, spoke about the control and supervisory activities of the authority. In 2022, taking into account the moratorium on control measures, FAS Russia conducted 6 inspections, as a result of which the authority issued 48 directives and 8 orders to cancel tariffs in the regions.

In 2023, inspections of tariff regulatory bodies were conducted and planned in 24 regions. In 18 cases, inspections are carried out jointly with the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.

Besides, on March 22, 2023, an order of FAS Russia was issued on the creation of a working group on tariff compliance, which should develop a set of measures to prevent violations of tariff legislation.

Nelly Galimkhanova, Deputy Head of FAS Russia, told about the digitalization of tariff regulation. She noted that the solution of this task will reduce the burden on all participants in the process, shorten the time for consideration and setting tariffs, and increase the transparency of tariff regulation.

In 2023, the creation of a domestic technological base using the services of the Federal State Institution "Gostech" and its testing in the process of setting tariffs in the field of water supply and sanitation in 3 regions will be ensured. In the course of the work, a digital profile of the regulated organization will be formed and a unified format of information interaction for the regional systems of the subjects of the Russian Federation will be proposed.

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