24-04-2023 | 15:27

A meeting of the Expert Council on the Development of Competition in the field of Information Technology was held at the site of the authority

Representatives of AVITO, CIAN, Yandex and Wildberries discussed various practices of IT-companies for compliance with the principles.

The event made it possible to publicly highlight cases and issues regarding digital platforms that citizens and small businesses are dealing with.

Elena Zaeva, Head of the Department for Regulation of Telecommunications and Information Technology of FAS Russia, noted the importance of conducting open procedures before making changes to the offers, the inadmissibility of applying provisions allowing unlimited discretion of platforms, the inadmissibility of setting disproportionate requirements for counterparties, the need to establish clear and understandable rules of conduct.

She also stressed that the authority will continue to work on the issue of regulating the industry, taking into account the opinions and needs of market participants.

As a result of the meeting, the participants were recommended to bring the contracts in line with the principles of reasonableness and good faith in the near future and conduct awareness campaigns for their consumers.

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