26-05-2023 | 10:38

It was noted by Maxim Shaskolsky, Head of FAS Russia, at the II Eurasian Economic Forum*

Head of FAS Russia stressed that competition is a necessary condition for the effective development of markets, which ensures the protection of consumer interests. In modern conditions, the formation of a competitive environment in digital markets is important due to the ever-growing influence of digital platforms.

Maxim Shaskolsky noted that antimonopoly regulation should be aimed at reducing barriers to market access and ensuring non-discriminatory access to key capacities of digital ecosystems.

A feature of digital markets is also the global nature of the circulation of the relevant goods. In this regard, FAS Russia takes into account the influence of transnational corporations on the state of competition in this industry and is working to create a healthy competitive environment in the digital markets of the EAEU, CIS and BRICS.

In particular, in 2021 the Principles of Interaction of Digital Market Participants were approved, which were joined by the largest Russian digital companies. This document promotes the formation of open and non-discriminatory business conditions. In addition, in September 2022 in Minsk during the 53rd meeting of the Interstate Council on Antimonopoly Policy (ICAP), the authority proposed to develop Model Principles and Standards for interaction between participants in the digital markets of the CIS member states. Similar work is being carried out in the BRICS format.

Head of FAS Russia also spoke about the impact of digitalization on the sphere of public and municipal procurement.

With the development of technology, the use of digital tools is increasingly observed when concluding anticompetitive agreements at auctions and commodity markets. According to statistics, 80 % of the cartels considered by FAS Russia are bid rigging in various sectors of the economy.

In March 2023, FAS Russia revealed a cartel agreement totaling 24 billion rubles during the bidding process for the construction, repair, reconstruction and maintenance of public roads in the territory of several subjects of the country.

Head of FAS Russia noted that the fight against cartels remains one of the priorities of FAS Russia, in connection with which the authority is digitally transforming the process of identifying cartels and is working on the development of relevant information systems.

At the end of his speech, Maxim Shaskolsky stressed that events with the participation of representatives of the EAEU state authorities, international organizations, representatives of business and scientific communities provide new approaches and solutions. Their application will contribute to further integration within the EAEU and the formation of common markets.


*A round table "Ex-ante vs ex-post competition regulation, bid rigging in public procurement and digital transformation" was held within the framework of the forum. It was attended by representatives of FAS Russia, the Ministry of Finance of Russia, the EEC, the EAEU Court, the AEB, the UNCTAD, the BRICS International Center for Competition Law and Policy, as well as representatives of competition authorities and scientific communities of Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Uzbekistan and South Africa.

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