30-05-2023 | 16:55

The Ministry of Justice has registered the appropriate order of FAS Russia*

The register contains information about unscrupulous participants in an auction for the sale of a state or municipal land plot or for the right to conclude a lease agreement.

It is used by the authorities when conducting land auctions to exclude the participation of persons included in the register.

Previously, the central office of FAS Russia and its territorial bodies exchanged information via e-mail and official correspondence. At the same time, the registry itself was kept "manually" in a special table.

Now information is exchanged using the GIS Bidding platform. On it, employees of the central office and regional offices have personal accounts through which the registry is updated.

Regional Offices of FAS Russia send information about an unscrupulous participant to FAS Russia. Employees of the central office check the information received and place it in the register.

The information is kept in the register for 2 years and is automatically excluded after the expiration of the period.

The adoption of the order allowed to speed up the procedure for transferring data to the registry and simplify the process of searching for it.


* Order of FAS Russia of December 7, 2022 No. 938/22 "On Amendments to the Procedure for Maintaining the Register of Unscrupulous Participants in an Auction for the Sale of a Land Plot Owned by the State or Municipal Property, or an Auction for the Right to Conclude a Lease Agreement for a Land Plot Owned by the State or Municipal Property, including Requirements for Technological, Software, Linguistic, Legal and Organizational Means to Ensure the Maintenance of this Register, Approved by the Order of FAS Russia of April 14, 2015 No. 247/15"

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