05-06-2023 | 10:39

Development of this system and increasing participation of non-governmental educational organizations is one of the priorities of the National Competition Development Plan and national project "Education"

Since 2019, the authority has been annually analyzing the process of implementing the system of personalized financing of additional education (PFDO)* in the regions. The regional offices of FAS Russia study the regulatory legal acts adjusting implementation of the system, and, if necessary, advise the authorities in the preparation of these documents.

Nevertheless, in 2022, non-governmental educational organizations applied to FAS Russia regarding violations when being included in the PFDO system. It was about unjustified refusals of inclusion, unequal access to information about participation in the system, limitation of periods and the number of "attempts" to pass certification. The appeals also concerned underestimation of parameters for calculating the standard cost of educational programs, a formal approach to the formation of reporting data and mechanisms for "quoting" the volume of budget allocation.

According to the results of inspections for the entire period of operation of the system, FAS Russia issued more than 40 warnings about the need to eliminate violations, 10 of them in 2022. The authority continues to monitor the provision of competitive conditions with participation in the PFDO system for educational organizations of all forms of ownership and individual entrepreneurs.

According to FAS Russia, it will contribute to improving the quality and accessibility of state and municipal services for citizens, including through the involvement of the non-state sector.


For reference:

* PFDO system provides for the issuance of a certificate to a child, which gives the right to independently choose an additional educational program and the organization that provides it, regardless of the form of ownership. The organization, in turn, has the right to receive reimbursement from the state budget system.

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