16-06-2023 | 09:59

It was stated at the SPIEF-23 by Vitaly Korolev, Deputy Head of FAS Russia

The speaker noted that the industry is actively and dynamically developing, including through the commissioning of new facilities. It works including as part of the implementation of investment programs.

Thus, according to the approved investment programs, the planned volume of investments for the entire period of their implementation currently amounts to more than 200 billion rubles. In addition, as part of the required gross revenue of operators for the treatment of MSW for 2023, funds in the amount of more than 12 billion rubles are provided for capital investments under investment programs. In 2021, the same figure was about 7.3 billion rubles.

According to FAS Russia, in the process of developing the sphere of handling MSW, it is necessary to come to a balance of interests of the state, industry and consumers. Today, the authority supports and actively participates in the work to simplify the procedure for concluding and changing concessions. In particular, the agency advocates shortening the terms of their contraction. It will significantly reduce the execution time of investment measures and reduce the cost of project implementation.

An urgent issue in the context of the transition to a closed–loop economy is the development of new types of activities – composting of waste and production of solid fuels from waste.

In 2022, FAS Russia developed additions to the Basics of Pricing in the field of MSW Management. They regulate the accounting by landfills of economically justified expenses for their own production of technical soil instead of purchasing insulating materials for waste disposal from third-party suppliers. Simplification of accounting for such expenses allows landfills to use the technical soil they produce in the most cost-effective way. It also makes it possible to involve useful secondary resources from recycled waste in economic turnover more widely.

At the same time, for the further development of the market for the production of compost and solid fuel from waste, as well as the classification of these activities as regulated, it is necessary to define and normalize these types of activities.

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