28-03-2023 | 11:23

New Delhi (India) hosted the Meeting of the BRICS Working group for Research of the competition issues in the automobile markets

During the event, antimonopoly regulators of the BRICS member states discussed their approaches to regulation of the automobile market in modern conditions and exchanged experience in investigating relevant cases.

A separate item on the agenda was a discussion of the practical application of the Report of the BRICS Competition Agencies on the Regulation of Competition in the Automotive Market, prepared in 2021, which highlighted the key issues: specific to the sector, and suggested approaches necessary for their solution.

Andrey Tsyganov, Deputy Head of FAS Russia, noted that the automotive industry is currently undergoing a transformation: the supply chains, the list of major exporters and importers, as well as the consumer markets have changed.

One of the characteristic trends in the development of the industry is also digitalization, which covers all stages of development, production, sale and maintenance of cars and is integrated with related types of production activities.

Notable changes have also occurred in other sectors. In this regard, the application of new methods and the development of improved approaches to antimonopoly regulation of the entire industrial sector, taking into account the specifics of individual industries, is required.

Considering the successful experience of the interaction of antimonopoly authorities within the framework of the BRICS Working Group for Research on the Competition problems in the Automotive Markets, Andrey Tsyganov proposed to expand its mandate and extend its activities to other industries. This proposal was positively received by Indian colleagues and will be worked out with the BRICS partners.

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