24-03-2023 | 11:24

FAS Russia insisted on this during a working meeting with the marketplace

At the end of 2022, FAS Russia asked Wildberries to address the problems faced by sellers on the online platform. At the result of the meeting, the platform made a commitment to solve the issues.

FAS Russia held a second meeting with Wildberries to review the work done. In this way, the representatives of the market place reported on the introduction of a system of photo recording of the measurement of goods with automatic uploading of photos to the seller’s personal account. According to them, at the stage of testing some complaints about the quality of the photo were received – the online platform immediately made re-measurements of goods. At the moment, technical difficulties have been eliminated. 

Wildberries also reported that the conversion of the communication format of the marketplace with entrepreneurs into a dialogue mode contributed to a significant reduction in the number of complaints. The seller can now correspond with the service desk until the problem is resolved. Due to this, according to the market place, the number of complaints decreased by 5 times.

In the course of the event, some certain points of the company’s offer were addressed and issues of its optimization were discussed. FAS Russia demanded that this document be as clear, detailed and avoid ambiguity in order to avoid disputes between marketplace and sellers. In the near future, representatives of Wildberries improve it according to the requirement of the service. 

In addition, according to FAS Russia, the online platform needs to develop rules-based procedures for arbitration of disputes for cases when the issue cannot be resolved through a feedback system. FAS Russia has expressed its willingness to present its position on the most contentious issues.

The measures adopted and planned for adoption at the end of the meeting are aimed at simplifying the work of sellers on the site, ensuring that the interests of sellers and marketplace are balanced, and creating transparent conditions for their cooperation.

At the same time, FAS Russia continues to receive appeals on various controversial issues arising from the interaction of contractors and Wildberries. The authority closely monitors the online platforms used by practitioners and how they resolve emerging disputes to decide on further actions.

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