30-08-2023 | 14:18

The authority refused Omsk Gazpromneft Oil Refinery to include costs for additional expenses in the relevant tariffs

FAS Russia considered applications of Gazpromneft-ONPZ JSC about disagreements with the Regional Energy Commission of the Omsk Region. The subject of settlement of pre-trial disputes was the validity of the inclusion of additional funds in the tariffs for sanitation and water supply services. The organization did not agree with the method of regulation and demanded to include the costs of repairs in 2021 in the tariffs of 2023.

The regional tariff authority has established the volume of the required gross revenue to be included in the tariffs for the treatment of industrial wastewater and technical water supply. The company did not agree with the regulator's ruling and appealed to FAS Russia.

The authority found out that the volume of disagreements between the regional tariff authority and the enterprise in the field of industrial wastewater treatment amounted to 33.2 million rubles, and in the field of technical water supply – 31 million rubles. Having analyzed the economic feasibility of the costs proposed for inclusion in the tariffs*, FAS found that there are no grounds for such a significant increase in tariffs.

As a result of the consideration of disagreements, the authority supported the position of the Regional Energy Commission of the Omsk region and refused Gazpromneft-ONPZ to include repair costs for previous periods in the tariffs.


For reference:

According to Paragraph 24 of the Pricing Framework No. 406, "the required gross revenue of regulated organizations is determined based on the economically justified expenses they need to carry out a regulated type of activity during the regulatory period and ensure the achievement of the planned values of reliability, quality and energy efficiency of centralized water supply and (or) sanitation facilities established for the relevant regulatory period."

Gazpromneft-ONPZ JSC asked to include repair costs in the previous regulatory period (for 2021) in the required gross revenue when setting tariffs for 2023

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