07-09-2023 | 12:20

During this period, 26 planned activities were implemented in various sectors and two expected results were achieved in the field of healthcare

Thus, interchangeability has been determined for 55.3 % of medicines*. It allowed to provide consumers with sufficient medicines at affordable prices.

Federal Law has been enacted to improve anticartel enforcement. In accordance with it, from January 1, 2024, the state customer will be obliged to warn the procurement participant that he may be brought to administrative or criminal responsibility for participating in agreements restricting competition and coordinated actions. In addition, FAS Russia will be able to receive from the audited companies and individuals explanations that are important for control activities.

As part of implementation of the National Plan, a "roadmap" for development of exchange trading for 2022-2025 was adopted in December 2022. Its implementation will contribute to the development of competition, including by ensuring equal access to goods. It will also ensure the transparency of pricing and form objective price indicators that characterize the situation in the relevant commodity markets.

The action plan for the development of cooperation between the BRICS countries on competition protection issues has been approved, including the topics of exchange trading, restoration of competition conditions in the Russian Federation in case of violation of antimonopoly legislation.

In order to increase the transparency of their activities, public authorities regularly post information on the results of the implementation of the state policy on the development of competition on their own official websites.

The measures taken within the framework of the National Plan are primarily aimed at achieving the goals outlined in the Decree** of the President of the Russian Federation, including increasing economic efficiency and competitiveness of economic entities, stable growth and development of a multi-structured economy, increasing consumer satisfaction by expanding the range of goods, works, services, increasing their quality and lowering prices.


For reference:

Directive of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 2, 2021 No. 2424-r approved the National Plan for Development of Competition in the Russian Federation for 2021-2025, which defined the objectives for the development of competition for 5 years

* As of December 31, 2022

** Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 21.12.2017 No. 618 "On the main directions of state policy for the development of competition"

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