12-09-2023 | 10:03

For this purpose, a corresponding order has been developed, which is currently being approved

This was announced by Vitaly Korolev, Deputy Head of FAS Russia, during the session "Oil and gas refining: the engine of economic growth".

Now indicators for petrochemical products may include indices of foreign agencies. At the same time, they influence pricing in the domestic market. To prevent violations of antimonopoly legislation, the National Competition Development Plan provides for the development of a system of domestic indicators, including for oil and gas industry products.

Another tool for containing the final cost is the approval of trade and sales policies by the largest manufacturers. In 2022, FAS Russia sent recommendations to companies to approve such documents, taking into account the principle of responsible pricing.

As a result, the cost of goods such as polypropylene, polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride did not increase in 2022. At the same time, manufacturers did not reduce production volumes.

At the session "Far East: the path to recycling waste to a circular economy", the Deputy Head of FAS said that documents adopted at the initiative of the authority in the areas of tariff regulation provide the opportunity to create and update the infrastructure for handling municipal solid waste by returning investments through a tariff source. In particular, in this industry it is possible to approve investment programs for facilities planned for construction.

The topic of return on investment was also discussed at the session "Far Eastern Concession: Modern Urban Infrastructure". A representative of the service said that the mechanism of long-term tariffs in the utility sector may be in demand in the regions of the Far East. The Tyumen region, Moscow region and the Republic of Tatarstan took advantage of this mechanism and attracted 21.5 billion investments in the housing and communal services sector for the period 2022-2024.

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