18-09-2023 | 14:01

It was reported by representatives of the authority at the scientific and practical conference "Evolution of tariff regulation"

To date, state regulation of tariffs is carried out by a number of federal laws that contain various principles and approaches to regulation.

Maxim Shaskolsky, Head of FAS Russia, said that in order to determine the general parameters, the authority has developed a draft unified tariff law. The draft law has now been coordinated with other federal authorities and is scheduled for consideration by the Government Commission for Administrative Reform.

Besides, at the initiative of FAS Russia, the Government of the Russian Federation has defined such a tariff instrument as a "regulatory agreement". This is a promising mechanism for the formation of long-term tariffs for territorial grid organizations, under the terms of which regulated companies and the region assume additional obligations aimed at attracting investment and improving the quality of services provided.

To optimize the process of tariff regulation, FAS Russia has developed a draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation on changing the timing of the tariff campaign in the field of electric power. It provides for the postponement of tariff and balance decisions by FAS Russia and regional regulators to an earlier date. As Maxim Shaskolsky noted, regardless of the timing of the adoption of the document, the service plans to complete work on the formation of a consolidated forecast balance by October 15 and approve price limits by the end of October. It will allow the regional tariff authorities to make all tariff decisions before December 1 of this year. The service conducts similar work in the housing and utilities sector to synchronize with the electric power industry. It is planned to be completed next year.

Maxim Shaskolsky also noted that FAS Russia is constantly working to identify and exclude economically unjustified costs to reduce the tariff burden on consumers. To expand the scope of this work, the regional offices of FAS Russia will be involved in it.

As Alexey Voronin, Head of the Department for Regional Tariff Regulation, noted, the purpose of such an expansion of powers is to strengthen control over the economic validity of tariffs. It will allow to manage the tariff load more efficiently, taking into account regional specifics. For this purpose, a number of regions has already been able to build constructive cooperation between the territorial bodies of the service and the tariff regulatory authorities.

According to him, for 8 months of 2023, 9.27 billion rubles of unjustified funds were excluded from tariffs. In addition, since the lifting of the moratorium on inspections, the FAS Russia has carried out 65 control activities, 14 of which together with the Prosecutor General's Office, and issued 107 orders to eliminate the violations identified.

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