17-11-2023 | 11:40

Andrey Tsyganov, Deputy Head of FAS Russia, told about it during the 5th BRICS+ International Municipal Forum

Deputy Head of FAS Russia noted that BRICS Working Group had prepared the first report on the state of competition in the agro-food markets in 2017. It contained key theses on the state and development of global commodity distribution chains in the context of antimonopoly law.

Now, representatives of competition agencies are developing a second report, the main topic of which will be the process of forming global value chains in the agricultural sector. In particular, the preparation for the study showed that one of the main problems hindering global food security is the increasing concentration and monopolization of the world food market. It includes the supply of primary resources (seeds, fertilizers), logistics (shipping and rail transport), retail trade and sales of products*.

Deputy Head of FAS Russia pointed out the importance of new states joining the BRICS. According to him, it will have a positive impact not only on the agricultural sector of the countries of the association, but also on the state of the world market of agricultural products.

Andrey Tsyganov also stressed that the BRICS includes exporting and importing countries of the main types of agricultural products and resources necessary for agricultural production, as well as countries with significant financial resources and competencies both in the implementation of large infrastructure projects and in the field of global logistics (shipping, port and transport activities, transport construction).

The constant cooperation of the national antimonopoly authorities of the BRICS countries will contribute to solving the problems associated with monopolization of global food markets and will increase the level of food security of the countries of the association.


* 41 point of the declaration of the BRICS member countries adopted at the XV BRICS Summit on August 23-24, 2023 in Johannesburg: "We commit to continue to deepen cooperation in the field of competition between the BRICS countries and create a fair competitive market environment for international economic and trade cooperation"

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