23-11-2023 | 11:15

The Deputy Head of the Authority said that the development of competition policy and effective law enforcement are essential for improving the business climate and attracting investment.

Solving the tasks of developing trade and economic ties is impossible without building business communications on the principles of equality and fairness, as well as harmonization of legislation in the economic sphere. This is precisely the purpose of the work of Russian representatives in major international associations, such as the Eurasian Economic Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Asia–Pacific Economic Cooperation, BRICS, etc.

The interaction of antimonopoly regulators in the framework of such associations contributes to formation of favorable conditions for economic and trade cooperation both in domestic policy and in international trade, economic, financial and investment relations, as well as leads to the strengthening of the financial sovereignty of the state.

Andrey Tsyganov also spoke about main areas of cooperation between competition authorities within the framework of interstate integration associations, the results achieved and prospects for expanding cooperation.

Andrey Tsyganov paid special attention to a new international project – the Pan-African Free Trade Zone, which includes all states of the continent. One of the first documents signed in the framework of the establishment of this economic association was the Protocol on Uniform Competition Rules.

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