01-12-2023 | 12:15

Bilateral meeting between Maxim Shaskolsky, Head of FAS Russia, and Dr. Aggrey Mlimuka, Chairman of Tanzania Fair Competition Commission, took place within the framework of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Antimonopoly Policy: Science, Practice, Education"

Heads of the authorities of the two countries exchanged information on competition enforcement and current antimonopoly response measures. Representatives of the Tanzania Fair Competition Commission also took part in the negotiations via video link.

Head of FAS Russia, in particular, reported on the ongoing monitoring of prices in socially significant markets. In addition, Maxim Shaskolsky spoke about the optimization of the mechanism for re-registration of prices for medicines from the list of vital and essential ones. This mechanism allowed to ensure their uninterrupted production and supply to the market, as well as to exclude cases of unjustified price increases.

Dr. Aggrey Mlimuka, in turn, spoke about the development and current trends of antimonopoly legislation in Tanzania. Thus, the competition authority continues to work on investigations of the regulation and fair maintenance of prices in the food market. The authority also pays special attention to the development of regulation of fair competition in the digital market.

During the bilateral negotiations, the parties discussed prospective directions for further cooperation. It was also agreed to continue to share experiences in those areas.

Maxim Shaskolsky noted that FAS Russia is open to cooperation with the Tanzania Fair Competition Commission in terms of enforcement. As a part of the global transactions review, Maxim Shaskolsky proposed to use a confidentiality waiver mechanism, which will allow discussing the nature of the transaction and approaches to its evaluation.

Maxim Shaskolsky invited Dr. Aggrey Mlimuka to join the activities of the BRICS Working Groups on the Research of Competition Issues in Socially Important Markets, which are regularly held in the BRICS+ format. Maxim Shaskolsky also stressed the importance of expanding cooperation within the framework of the UN Conference on Trade and Development.

At the end of the meeting, the parties agreed to strengthen cooperation and formalize it by concluding a corresponding memorandum.

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