18-12-2023 | 11:32

Bilateral talks were held between Andrey Tsyganov, Deputy Head of FAS, and Tan Mo, Deputy Chairman of the Competition Commission of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

The first meeting of representatives of the antimonopoly authorities of Russia and Myanmar took place as a follow-up to the agreement on establishing cooperation in the field of competition policy reached during the 3rd meeting of the Intergovernmental Russian-Myanmar Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation, held in Naypyidaw (Myanmar) in December 2022.

The parties stressed the importance of exchanging experience on competition policy and antimonopoly regulation, which play an important role in the development of the economies of states, as well as trade and economic relations between the countries.

Tan Mo spoke about the development of antimonopoly regulation in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. Thus, the Commission was established by the Government of Myanmar in 2018, after the entry into force of the Competition Law. The Commission included representatives of various ministries and agencies. The Chairman of the Commission is the Union Minister of Trade.

Andrey Tsyganov, in turn, spoke about the tasks, powers and key areas of activity of FAS Russia. Deputy Head of FAS Russia informed his colleagues about the adoption of the "fifth antimonopoly package", which significantly expanded the capabilities of FAS Russia to regulate digital markets.

Speaking on the topic of identifying digital cartels and collusion at auctions, Andrey Tsyganov spoke about the development and use of special software by FAS Russia to automate the identification of digital cartels and collusion at auctions. Thus, when investigating cartels, FAS Russia uses the Anti-Cartel AIS, which operates on the basis of big data technology and artificial intelligence.

During discussion on the issues of international cooperation, Andrey Tsyganov informed Myanmar colleagues that in October 2023, FAS Russia received a positive decision on cooperation from the ASEAN Expert Group on Competition, which will contribute to the expansion of cooperation between the FAS Russia and the Commission, which is part of the Expert Group.

At the end of the meeting, the parties expressed interest in further deepening bilateral cooperation.


* Since 1996, Russia has been a Dialogue Partner with ASEAN (Association's mechanism of interaction with the leading countries of the world). This status makes it possible to implement a coordinated competition policy with ASEAN.

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