18-12-2023 | 17:42

It was announced by Deputy Secretary of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Vladislav Grib at the IV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Public Councils of FAS Russia

According to the rating of public councils under federal executive authorities, which is annually formed by the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, FAS Russia has entered the advanced level group. In addition, the authority’s Public Council entered the ranking of the most dynamic public councils, rising 12 positions in the list.

The meeting was traditionally opened by the Chairman of the Public Council under FAS Russia, Andrey Sharonov. The speaker told about the significant aspects of the work. So, in 2023, 11 events were held. In addition, a joint meeting was held with the Public Council under the Ministry of Economic Development, where the issue of marketplaces and regulation of online platforms was considered. Socially significant issues of food pricing were discussed at a joint meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. According to the authority, such joint meetings allow to ensure comprehensive consideration of topical issues requiring interdepartmental solutions.

Besides, Andrey Sharonov summed up the results of the work of public councils in the regional offices of the authority in 2023. During the year, 214 meetings were held. The speaker noted the merits of the Kabardino-Balkarian RO of FAS Russia and the Novosibirsk RO of FAS Russia.

Maxim Shaskolsky, Head of FAS Russia, spoke about the activities of the authority in 2023. He noted that public councils are an effective tool for feedback from citizens, businesses, and professional market participants. The work of the public council as a platform for discussing and solving complex industry problems is significant for the authority.

Head of FAS Russia also said that the authority always takes into account  recommendations of the members of the Public Council, which are invariably aimed at developing and forming a favorable competitive environment and protecting the interests of entrepreneurship. At the end of his speech, Maxim Shaskolsky awarded the members of the Public Council under FAS Russia.

Deputy Chairman of the Public Council under FAS Russia Valery Bodrenkov spoke about the role of Public Councils in balancing the interests of civil society, business and the state. The speaker suggested to public councils under the regional offices of FAS Russia to use more often the expert capabilities of regional branches of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, OPORA Russia, Business Russia, scientific and educational institutions of their region. Valery Bodrenkov also proposed to conduct an analysis of the degree of participation of the authority in the implementation of the functions of public councils in the first half of 2024.

In total, more than 40 regions took part in the IV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Public Councils of FAS Russia. During the meeting, participants discussed issues of public procurement, integrated development of territories and their impact on competition in commodity markets, legislation on advertising, work with municipalities, business and citizens. 

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