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Дискуссионная сессия "Антимонопольное регулирование на рынке цифровых технологий" в рамках ПМЮФ 2017


Session on Antimonopoly Regulation of the Market of Digital Technologies
Representatives of competition authorities, experts and lawyers discussed new challenges for antimonopoly bodies, how digital technologies are changing the global economy and special sector laws. Stats-Secretary, Deputy Head of FAS Andrey Tsarikovskiy moderated a session on antimonopoly regulation of the market of digital technologies on 19 May 2017 at St Petersburg International Legal Forum. Count photo: 12 show
Конкурентный рынок авиатоплива России, как пример лучшей мировой практики, обсудили на глобальном форуме ИАТА


IATA Global Forum
IATA Global Forum discussed competitive market of aviation fuel in Russia as an example of the best world practice Count photo: 6 show
Футурология в юриспруденции. Как сделать новые российские юридические идеи глобальными


Futurology in jurisprudence. How to make Russian legal ideas global
On 15th May 2017, the “Corporate Counsel Association” Non-Profit Partnership, the President of which is Alexandra Nesterenko, held a conference in St Petersburg as one of the first satellite events at St Petersburg International Legal Forum Count photo: 33 show
Состоялась рабочая встреча с представителями Всемирного банка


Working meeting with representatives of the World Bank
The main items on the agenda were methods of exposing bid-rigging collusion, organization of public procurement, high-profile FAS cases, the issues of agriculture and food products markets Count photo: 4 show
Экскурсии в апреле


Tours in April
Count photo: 14 show

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