FAS took part in an international workshop by invitation of Norway Competition Authority

01-02-2017 | 16:15

On 26-27 January 2017, a FAS delegation of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) led by Deputy Head of FAS Andrey Tsyganov visited Bergen (Norway). The purpose of the visit was to exchange experiences between the competition authorities of Russia and Norway.

At the workshop, representatives of Norway Competition Authority (NCA) and the Federal Antimonopoly Service discussed antimonopoly regulation in the practice of each country. NCA General Director Lars Sørgard outlined the structure, goals and objectives of Norway Competition Authority. Andrey Tsyganov presented the enforcement practice of Russian antimonopoly body and its competition policy to the foreign colleagues.

NCA staff gave a detailed review of the Norwegian market with a sectoral breakdown to the FAS delegation: finances and transport, construction and industrial sectors, telecommunications, as well as health care, food products and retail trade.

The workshop discussed the use of the economic analysis method in investigating cartel cases and mergers in the practice of Norwegian colleagues.

To continue the dialogue and strengthen cooperation between our countries, FAS invited Norwegian colleagues to participate in the VII St Petersburg Legal Forum in May 2017.


Andrey Tsyganov also asked Norwegian colleagues to attend the 10th session of the International Working Group on researching competition issues on the pharmaceutical market as well as the “Competition Week” International Event in September 2017 in Veliky Novgorod, Russia.

Representatives of Norway Competition Authority expressed their gratitude for the invitation andconfirmed their readiness to consider possible participation in the above events.

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