Sergey Puzyrevskiy: antimonopoly compliance can form the grounds to refuse scheduled inspections

03-07-2017 | 09:13

Draft law on implementing this institution will enable FAS to shift to a risk-oriented approach under the frame reforming control-and-supervision activities

On 27 June 2017, the Antimonopoly Law Commission of Russian Lawyers Association had a regular meeting in Kutafin Moscow State Law Academy.

Deputy Head of FAS Sergey Puzyrevskiy gave a welcoming address. He stated that the draft law on antimonopoly compliance has passed all stages of discussion at the Government of the Russian Federation and all controversial issues were settled.  “The document is aimed at developing the national competition law. It will be an additional mechanism for implementing the reform of control-and-supervision activities because antimonopoly compliance reduces the risk of violating the Federal Law “On Protection of Competition” and can form the grounds to forgo scheduled inspections of economic entities under the frame of a risk-oriented approach”, added Sergey Puzyrevskiy.

He also talked about the National Competition Development Plan. Deputy Head of the Antimonopoly Service informed that the Plan is in the final drafting stage, and expressed hope that the draft will be adopted as soon as possible.

“At the next session of the Commission, we will present a concept of a draft Federal Law “On government regulation of tariffs”. The work on the document requires careful and in-depth attention”, emphasized Sergey Puzyrevskiy.

Then an assistant to Head of FAS described to the participants some methodological approaches to forecasting competition development under the modern conditions. A representative of the Corporate Counsel Association, Elena Voinikanis, highlighted the main issues of competition on the telecommunications market.

The next meeting is scheduled for Q3 2017.

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