The 16 session of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy, UN Conference on Trade and Development

06-07-2017 | 08:23

For three days representatives of competition authorities and UNCTAD experts discuss pressing issues of competition policy in various formats.

On 5 July 2017, FAS delegation took part in the opening of the 16 session of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Competition Law and Policy, UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

Following the tradition, the event started with elections of the Chairperson of the 16th session when Mona El-Garf, the Head of Egypt competition authority, was elected. The welcoming address to the participants was given by Deputy UNCTAD General Secretary, Isabelle Durant, and Head of UNCTAD Competition Policy and Consumer Protection Branch, Tereza Moreira.  

On the first day, the attendees of the 16th session discussed enhancement of competences and technical cooperation in competition law and policy. UNCTAD Secretariat gave a presentation on the issue; FAS was involved in preparing it. Russian antimonopoly body has accumulated considerable experience in technical assistance for competition authorities of the CIS member-states and some other countries.

“Improving competences requires significant investments in human capital and infrastructure. Russiamadeanimportantstepinthiscase, openingFASCentreforEducationandMethodicsinKazanin 2012. It has trained specialists from not only the neighbouring countries but also foreign competition authorities – from Finland to South Africa and from Indonesia to Ecuador. Establishing the Centre, we used experience of two OECD Centre functioning so far – in Seoul and in Hungary. In 2013 Heads of CIS Governments assigned the status of a Base Organization to the Centre for training specialists from the CIS states in the antimonopoly field. Capital investments in human potential are an important element in solving such an important task as improving competences”, pointed Deputy Head of FAS Andrey Tsyganov, speaking on the first day of the 16th session of UNCTAD competition experts.


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