17-06-2022 | 16:34

It will help to create additional incentives and reliable economic conditions for their circulation in the market

According to Timofey Nizhegorodtsev, the Deputy Head of FAS, it is necessary to take a number of measures to create additional economic conditions that will stimulate the production of medicines in the market and increase investment in new research and development. It was announced at the SPIEF within the framework of the forum Drug Safety.

Currently, the stages of drug circulation are often desynchronized. We are talking about the registration of new drugs, their inclusion in medical practice, the withdrawal of old ones from the market.

Thus, today there are several different registries, which contain contradictions that interfere with the synchronization of the processes of circulation of medicines in the market. It is necessary that all these registers coincide both textually, conceptually, and meaningfully. In this regard, it is important to accelerate the work on standardization of the information contained in them, including the establishment of interchangeability of medicines.

Besides, the list of vital and essential medicines (VED) annually includes new, therapeutically equivalent and less expensive drugs than previously included in it. For various reasons, they are brought to clinical practice for a long time or fall into different payment terms. It  can reduce the quality of treatment and create incorrect economic incentives in the healthcare system. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze such practices, providing additional opportunities for companies that have created drugs equivalent in therapeutic efficacy, but lower in price.

According to the Deputy Head of FAS, it is important to establish the process of removing from medical practice and all registries the old medicines that are not massively used and have improved therapeutic analogues. The withdrawal of such drugs will help free up funds for the introduction of new, modern, higher-quality medicines into clinical practice.

“Synchronization of all stages of drug circulation will create additional signals in the market that will allow manufacturers to plan more precisely and rely on the right economic incentives in their activities. If we succeed, we will provide a reliable economic foundation for the circulation of medicines and make them as accessible as possible for end users,” Timofey Nizhegorodtsev stressed.

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