01-07-2022 | 14:27

At the same time, FAS does not give up the long-term prospect of returning antimonopoly control to the same extent

Antimonopoly regulation and support of the economy in modern conditions, as well as legal guarantees of freedom of entrepreneurial activity became the key topic of the speech of Sergey Puzyrevskiy, State Secretary - Deputy Head of FAS Russia, at the SPILF.

Thus, FAS Russia has reduced the administrative burden on business, also by minimizing control measures.

In addition, FAS Russia has prepared an "optimization antimonopoly package" aimed at supporting business in the current economic conditions. In particular, we are talking about simplifying the control of transactions of economic concentration in 2022 and 2023, the procedure for granting state or municipal preferences in certain cases, as well as work on the legalization of parallel imports.

At the same time, FAS Russia does not refuse to return the previous volume of antimonopoly control in the long term. The implementation of the National Competition Development Plan for 2018-2020 ensured the presence of at least three economic entities in all sectors of the economy, at least one of which is a representative of private sector*. In addition, the number of violations of antimonopoly legislation by state bodies at all levels has decreased. The number of unitary enterprises in competitive markets has also decreased. As of May 1, 2022 their number has decreased by more than 33% compared to 2019.

The new National Competition Development Plan for 2021-2025, among other things, is established to ensure effective and transparent management of state and municipal property. So, it is planned to define uniform principles of accounting for state property and the availability of information about it.

By 2025, in accordance with the National Competition Development Plan, it is necessary to ensure the number of people employed in the SMEs, including self-employed, at least 25 million people.

Special attention was paid to monitoring the activities of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). In order to cooperate in identifying violations of the law by such organizations, FAS Russia and Ministry of Justice signed an agreement on cooperation. It will allow authorities to more quickly obtain the information necessary for more effective implementation of their powers, including in terms of monitoring the activities of NGOs.


For reference:

* with the exception of the spheres of activity of natural monopolies and organizations of the military-industrial complex

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