16-12-2022 | 15:41

In particular, in 36 subjects of the Russian Federation, the tax burden on business has been reduced, in 30 – administrative requirements regarding property relations have been simplified, in 17 – permitting procedures and approvals have been simplified for entrepreneurs

The measures taken within the framework of the National Plan are primarily aimed at achieving the goals outlined in the Decree* of the President of the Russian Federation, including improving the economic efficiency and competitiveness of economic entities, stable growth and development of a diversified economy, increasing consumer satisfaction by expanding the range of goods, works, services, improving their quality and lowering prices.

To achieve these goals, the regions of the Russian Federation are taking systematic measures to support entrepreneurs. It was announced by Sergey Puzyrevsky, State Secretary - Deputy Head of FAS Russia, at a round table dedicated to the implementation of the National Competition Development Plan ("roadmap") in the Russian Federation for 2021-2025.

In the Lipetsk Region, preferential rates under the simplified taxation system (USN) for certain types of activities have been extended. In addition, SMEs applying a special tax regime are exempt from property tax on real estate with an area of up to 150 sq. m. In the Moscow region, tax rates for companies that pay taxes only on income under the USN have been reduced from 6% to 1%, and for those who pay taxes under the "income minus expenses" system – from 15% to 5%. In the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, SMEs and agricultural producers are granted a deferral for the payment of current lease payments within 2022.

Opportunities for investors are expanding in the Vladimir, Ryazan Regions and Krasnodar Region by reducing the minimum investment volume. In the Udmurt Republic, property created for the implementation of an investment project is exempt from tax for a period of 5 years.

In the Novosibirsk Region and Primorsky Region, there is a moratorium on the demolition and dismantling of non-stationary trade facilities, with the exception of unauthorized ones. Open registers of previously purchased imported products and replacement proposals have been created in the Republic of Tatarstan.

As a whole, the implementation of the National Plan has allowed to provide opportunities for the exchange of regional experience and the dissemination of successful practices. It should be noted that in the outgoing year in the Russian regions, including within the framework of the National Plan, more than 700 measures were taken to support business and stabilize the economic situation in the commodity markets.



In accordance with the National Competition Development Plan for 2021-2025, at least 25 million people should be employed in the field of SMEs, including individual entrepreneurs, by 2025. Besides, one of its key activities is the increase in the number of non-stationary retail facilities and retail outlets. The work to achieve these goals is carried out by the Authority within its powers jointly with regional authorities

* Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 618 dated 21.12.2017 "On the main directions of state policy for the development of competition".

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