04-04-2023 | 15:15

FAS Russia will analyze the relevant market and become a ground for working out proposals for regulating digital platforms

The meeting was opened by Andrey Sharonov, Chairman of the Public Council under FAS Russia. The position of the authority on the agenda was presented by Sergey Puzyrevsky, State Secretary - Deputy Head of FAS Russia, and the heads of relevant departments.

Members of the Public Council raised the issue of regulating the interaction of marketplaces and their counterparties – according to the participants of the meeting, it is advisable to withdraw digital trading platforms from the scope of the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 448 of 03.24.2022.*

Elena Zaeva, Head of the Department for Regulation Communications and Information Technology, said that FAS Russia stands for an equal approach to all market participants. According to FAS Russia, the issue of lifting the moratorium on antimonopoly inspections in respect of all accredited organizations in the field of information technology may be further studied. It will further protect the rights of all market participants, including small and medium–sized businesses and consumers.

Elena Zaeva noted that FAS Russia will analyze the market of digital trading platforms, and also invited representatives of IT companies to a meeting of the Expert Council for the Development of Competition in the field of Information Technology to jointly study proposals for regulating the activities of marketplaces.

Besides, during the meeting, issues of regulation of cleaning and hotel services markets, information disclosure standards and the concept of openness of the authority were considered.


* Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 448 of March, 24 2022 "On the Specifics of State Control (Supervision), Municipal Control in Relation to Accredited Organizations Operating in the Field of Information technology, and on Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation"

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