14-12-2023 | 10:41

This platform is designed to become a convenient mechanism for finding the best practices for the implementation of the National Plan and the Standard for Competition Development

The issue of using digital competition development tools became a key issue during a meeting of the departmental Expert Council on Competition Development in the Subjects of the Russian Federation.

During the meeting, FAS Russia presented a website catalog of regional practices for the development of competition. An automated digital antimonopoly compliance system was also presented at the event. This tool will allow public authorities to simplify the process of developing a roadmap to reduce the risks of violation of antimonopoly legislation.

At the meeting, Sergey Puzyrevsky, Stats-Secretary – Deputy Head of FAS Russia, spoke about results of implementation of the roadmap of the National Competition Development Plan. Since its approval, various measures have been implemented, including on the issue of drug interchangeability and air transport, as well as in terms of bidding and countering cartels. In addition, the authority has developed an Action Plan for development of cooperation between the antimonopoly authorities of the BRICS countries and a roadmap for the development of exchange trading in certain commodity markets.

The participants of the expert council paid great attention to the topic of state property management. FAS Russia continues to monitor the work on identifying the composition of property that is not used to implement the functions and powers of state and local government bodies. The authority notes that the work should be completed by the end of 2023.

Oksana Kuznetsova, Head of the Department for Cooperation with Regional Offices and Coordination of Projects for the Development of Competition of FAS Russia, made a report on the implementation of the reform of unitary enterprises. This work is actively carried out jointly with the regional offices of FAS Russia and regional authorities and local self-government.

In conclusion, a number of topics were identified on which the participants of the meeting will send their proposals on  development of competition for joint study. 

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