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Совместное заседание Научного совета РАН и экспертного совета Высшей аттестационной комиссии при Минобрнауки РФ


FAS hosted a joint session of the Research Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Expert Council of the Supreme Attestation Commission under the Ministry of the Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Researchers and experts discussed the most pressing issues for developing education in competition law and training specialists in competition protection Count photo: 9 show
ФАС - детям


FAS – to children
Middle school pupils from Moscow went on a visit to FAS. It was their first time at a government executive body so initially the kids were a bit lost, not aware of the “protocol”. Count photo: 12 show
Заседание Экспертного совета при ФАС России по развитию конкуренции в строительной отрасли


FAS Expert Council in Construction
On 17 October 2017 representatives of business, the authorities and the academia discussed the mechanism of administrative appeal in construction, that had came into effect in 2016, and 2017-2018 Plan for developing competition in the construction sector drafted by the Ministry of Construction. The discussion took place at a meeting of the Expert Council for Developing Competition in Construction Count photo: 10 show

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