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Антикоррупционный форум проекта Общероссийского народного фронта «За честные закупки»


Anti-Corruption Forum of the “For Fair Procurement” project of the All-Russia People’s Front
The Anti-Corruption Forum of the “For Fair Procurement” project of the All-Russia People’s Front took place on 12 October in Rostov-on-Don. 1170 participants, including social activists, community organizers, officers of FAS and other authorities, members of Parents Committees, School Principals, Chief Medical Officers of hospitals, food suppliers, representatives of business associations met at the Forum. Count photo: 3 show
Совместное заседание ФАС России и Ассоциации антимонопольных экспертов


Joint session of FAS and Antimonopoly Expert Association
The agenda of the joint session of FAS and Antimonopoly Expert Association once again touched the most pressing issues emerging in antimonopoly enforcement. Count photo: 5 show
Во время Недели конкуренции И.Ю. Артемьев встретился с Председателем Национального совета по конкуренции Исламской Республики Иран г-ом Шива Реза


FAS and Iran National Competition Council agreed to actively exchange experiences
The Federal Antimonopoly Service and Iran National Competition Council are ready for mutual support for developing antimonopoly law and competition Count photo: 21 show
В рамках недели конкуренции прошли переговоры И.Ю. Артемьева с Директором Департамента по международной торговле товарами, услугами и сырьевыми товарами ЮНКТАД Терезой Морейрой


FAS and UNCTAD are devising the procedure for work of the Discussion Group on countering restrictive business practices of transnational corporations
On 20 September 2017, Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service Igor Artemiev and Head of UNCTAD’s Competition Policy and Consumer Protection Branch, Teresa Moreira held talks during the Competition Week in Russia organized in Veliky Novgorod. Count photo: 14 show
В рамках Недели конкуренции прошло Заседание Штаба по совместным расследованиям нарушений антимонопольного законодательства государств-участников СНГ


33rd session of the Headquarters for Joint Investigations of Violations of the Antimonopoly Law
On 19th September 2017, the agenda of the 33rd session of the Headquarters for Joint Investigations of Violations of the Antimonopoly Law by the CIS member-states included, in particular competition on the market of medical equipment, aggregates production, economy residential housing, as well as specifics of control over economic concentration under digitalization of the economy Count photo: 17 show

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