Sergey Puzyrevskiy: EAEU needs new antimonopoly tools

04-09-2017 | 11:19

At the Eurasian Week, Deputy Head of FAS raised an issue of implementing new mechanisms across EAEU space to prevent antimonopoly violations

During a panel discussion in the course of the Eurasian Week, Deputy Head of FAS Sergey Puzyrevskiy outlined new tools of antimonopoly regulation that will facilitate development of goods markets in EAEU.

Deputy Head of FAS pointed out that applying the institution of warning in Russia proved to be sufficiently efficient.

He said: “We have reduced the number of antimonopoly cases by more than twofold and promptly suppressed more than 4000 antimonopoly violations. We believe that it should be extrapolated also in the EAEU space”.

“As is well known, creating the common market is one of the goals of the Eurasian Economic Commission”, continued Sergey Puzyrevskiy. “Administrative barriers and restrictions are one of obstacles that antimonopoly regulation can eliminate”.

"If a company from one of the states operated incorrectly in another state, the mechanisms to exclude such conduct are necessary. We must eliminate administrative barriers in moving goods and create equal conditions for moving the, within the EAEU space”, added Deputy Head of FAS.

Sergey Puzyrevskiy also discussed domestic roaming in Russia and assured participants that the issue should be solved in the near future.

“The found solution is also acceptable for EAEU. Now we endeavour to exclude intrastate roaming in Russia. FAS issued warnings to our communications providers to abolish inter-network roaming. We hope to get the result by the end of 2017. If not, there will be an antimonopoly investigation, accordingly, there will be sanctions for failure to execute the warning given by the antimonopoly body", concluded Sergey Puzyrevskiy.


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