Sergey Puzyrevsky made a report in Berlin on the Russian system of antimonopoly regulation

17-10-2017 | 17:32

Adopting the 4th “antimonopoly package”, Russian antimonopoly law meets OECD regulatory standards.

Said Deputy Head of FAS Sergey Puzyrevsky on 12 October 2017 at the 10th Economic Congress – “Law in Russia”.

“FAS objective is to ensure fair competition condition on the markets and prevent their monopolization”, emphasized Sergey Puzyrevsky and added that competition protection is achieved through suppressing unlawful unilateral conduct of the dominant entities, cartels and unfair competition.

He specially emphasized the need of protection from intervention by the authorities in competitive relations. Proceedings against the authorities account for more than half of all cases opened by Russian antimonopoly body.

The speaker pointed out: “FAS is oriented towards preventative control. In the past four years the number of antimonopoly cases went down, while the number of warnings increased threefold. There are immunities for small business, scheduled and unscheduled inspections of businesses are reduced considerably. In 2016 the in-house appeal procedure for decisions made by FAS regional offices was introduced”.

He informed the Conference about the reform of economic concentration control. “In the past 15 years the number of regulated transactions dropped down from 50,000 to 2000 per year –by 25 times. In the next 3-5 years we intend to transfer control over economic concentration in the electronic form, reducing the burden upon business”, underlined Sergey Puzyrevsky.

He also touched control over foreign investments. “Foreign investors in Russia enjoy the principle of legal equality between aliens and nationals, which means they have equal rights with Russian businessmen”, stated Deputy Head of FAS.

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